Let’s Team Up!

Things have been a little… different lately. 


Ok, that’s a major understatement! Things have been completely turned upside down for many, including the transition to working from home. How’s that gone for you? Has it been smooth and straightforward or has it catapulted your business into a world you never expected? 


On the bright side, it’s also given a lot of companies the opportunity to work with new systems and find better ways of communication between the staff. 


If remote working is still looking like a longer term prospect for you, then you may have questions such as: 


  • How will I continue to conduct meetings professionally?
  • How can documents be shared, added to and refined easily?
  • How will I keep staff motivation and morale up without face to face contact? 


That’s where a programme like Microsoft Teams steps in. 


This month, we’ve created a step by step guide for you to use this programme really effectively from now right up until you’re back in the post Covid-19 world (whenever that may be) 


Step 1 – Download! If you have Microsoft 365, then you already have it (you’ll just need to

download it). If not, there’s a free plan if you’d like to suss it all out before making a commitment. And a month’s free trial for businesses.


Log in to OneDrive to access your docs


Add the app to all your devices to access wherever you are. 


Step 2 – Create your teams! This can be done via department, management level, project team etc…


Step 3 – Create your channels! For example, yours might consist of a channel for product development, one for marketing, one for sales, another for design, etc. 


Or it could be made up of different projects, such as one for each different product in the range. All of the docs, conversations, apps and meetings that relate to a product or project would be held within that channel and everyone in the team can access it.


Step 4- Set up a meeting! Using the Meet Now function, you can schedule a catch up, decide if you’re using video or audio and invite people to join at a specific time and date – as straightforward as that.  


Step 5 –  Save on time! If you’re a member of various projects and teams across the company, you can pin the ones you deem as most important or most used to ensure you can access them quickly and easily.


Step 6 –  Get personal! Teams allows you to personalise your view to make it easier for you on a daily basis. Oh and if you’re a fan of a GIF, there’s even a handy little button for that. 


Step 7 – Stay updated! Turn on your notifications to ensure you never miss out on any important updates. You can select the relevant people to receive a notification and you can keep an eye on what’s been going on recently using the activity function. 

For the full step by step usage guide, we’d be happy to send this to you! Simple get in touch via our contact details here and quote ‘Microsoft Teams AGT assistance’ and we’ll get that straight over to your inbox! 


Any questions in the meantime, then just shout! We’re here to help. 

Those awkward questions to ask your IT Support company Part 2

Following on from our last blog, we’re talking about those awkward as hell questions you should probably (definitely) be asking your IT support company before signing up to work with them 


Here at AGT, we’re as upfront and honest as you can get. So, what next? 


  1. What’s your customer retention rate? 

In the world of IT support, customer retention should be high. If an IT support company delivers what it promises to deliver, is easy to communicate with, and charges a fair price for this, a customer is unlikely to leave them for someone else. It’s simply too much hassle if they’re happy with the service.  So what’s the deal if their retention rate is low? This is definitely something to ask and take into consideration when making your decision 


Here at AGT: We pride ourselves on our high customer retention rate, in fact, our current retention rate stands at  100% for the month of May 2020 and you can see our live stats at the bottom of our homepage here

We also have a number of video testimonials from our clients – so you can be happy you’re hearing exactly what you need straight from the horse’s mouth. 


  1. How much of your revenue comes from fixing problems rather than anticipating them? 

This is a good one! As we all know, prevention is better than cure. 

So where possible, things SHOULD be put in place to reduce the risk of a disaster happening within your network. Of course, you can never protect your business 100% when it comes to the failing of technology. But you can make sure you’re taking every possible step to try. So if your IT support company is making more money from fixing problems, it probably means that they’re not spending enough of their time on preventative measures. In turn, that means you’ll be spending more money than you need to on keeping your business safe. 


Here at AGT: We plan ahead for every eventuality. Updates are made on time; regular back-ups are taken; and we run 24 hour monitoring so that we can act immediately should we need to. Often, problems are fixed before you even know you have a problem, we’re like the IT stealth version of ninjas. 


  1. What’s the worst IT disaster you’ve ever dealt with and how did you solve it? 

Anyone who has worked in IT for any amount of time will usually have dealt with a disaster of some scale. Knowing why it happened and the steps that were taken to resolve it will tell you more about a company than them listing all of their good points.

Here at AGT: We’re cool, calm and collected. We have disaster recovery programmes in place and we know EXACTLY what we need to do to solve things quickly and efficiently. Any issues we’ve dealt with in the past have been a learning experience and something we always use as a way to fine tune our services going forward. 


So, now the awkward bit is out the way! We’d be delighted to have a chat and answer these questions in more detail for you! Get in touch here and let’s talk 

Those awkward questions to ask your IT Support company – Part 1

Lockdown tested the strengths of many IT support companies; how they reacted to the work from home rules and how quickly and seamlessly they moved their clients to remote working showed many that they were not quite up to the task. 


So, this meant that some companies have been looking for new IT support! BUT, there’s  a few awkward questions you may need to ask them to establish whether they have just what you’re looking for. This month, our blogs will be focusing on the answers you want to know and how to find them out…   



  • Who will be responsible for looking after us day to day? Will we speak to a different person every time? 


If the IT support company does assign an account manager to each client, how do they assign them? Will they match their skills with your needs? Do they judge which personalities will get on the best? Or is it just a random decision based on who has the highest or lowest workload? It’s really important that you have consistency from your IT service provider. Ideally, you’ll usually speak to the same person or small group of people who know your history and set up in detail. It’s hugely frustrating when you have a problem, to have to go over background information before you can begin a resolution.


Here at AGT: We get to know YOU and you get to know us! Our team work closely together (Obviously keeping a nice 2m social distance), so that means you always know who you’re speaking to and can trust we know everything there is to know about your accounts. 



  • Are you a specialised 1 sector band or do you work across the board?


For example, if they typically work with call centres, how will the service they provide translate to your estate agency? The set up is very different. How well will they understand your needs? If they’re used to working with large organisations, how does what they do adapt to a smaller business? Do their solutions differ depending on need or will they recommend the same devices and software to everyone? Should you expect the costs to be similar to those a large corporation would pay, or will they be tailored to your requirements? 

You should also ask if one client makes up more than 50% of their business. It might sound quite intrusive, but what would happen to your support should that one client go away? Would the IT support company go under? And what would happen if that one client had an issue at the same time as you? Would they become a priority, leaving your business to come grinding to a halt while their problem is solved first?


Awkward questions- maybe! But, any IT company worth their salt will provide this information for you to ensure you are happy to proceed. 


Here at AGT: We are honest and upfront with all of our clients. We work with a wide  variety from small to large businesses and we work on a priority system. You will never be left unsure as to how and when your IT issues will be resolved. That’s a promise 

Our next blog will follow next week with more of the questions you should be asking and what answers you should be hearing! 

In the meantime, we’d be delighted to have a chat and answer these questions in more detail for you! Get in touch here and let’s talk 

What next for returning to work after lockdown?

As of this week, lockdown restrictions are beginning to ease slightly and with life after Covid-19 becoming an ever increasing topic of conversation, it’s time to look at what steps you’ll need to take when your business does eventually return to the office. 


Plan ahead


The process of working from home proved difficult for some, but by putting plans in place NOW for returning, you’re getting a head start on what could be another stressful process. 


Unfortunately, it’s not quite as simple as everyone rocking back up to the office at 9am on a Monday, there’s actually quite a lot to consider… 



  • Your team 


It’s looking like there will be a gradual phased end to the lockdown period, in which case the team won’t be returning to the office all at once. You may have people working for you that are at higher risk (or live with someone who is high risk), so they may have to stay home for longer. 


There’s also the remote working element – you may have found that allowing your team to work remotely has proved successful and this may be something you want to consider as a long term prospect for some members of the company. It could aid productivity and flexibility across the board! 



  • Your equipment


There are a few aspects to be considered here:

  • What changes would you need to make to allow home working for any of your team on a regular basis? 
  • Do you need to purchase extra devices or licenses for apps?
  • How will you manage the safekeeping and return of any company equipment during this process? 
  • Did you or your IT service provider keep a list of what was handed out? 
  • Will your IT service provider need to spend a lot of time with you setting everything back up in the workplace?  



  • Your data security


Ok, we do like to talk A LOT about data security BUT this bit is crucial. 

Access to your data has been moved across devices from your workplace to homes, and now needs to come back to the workplace again. Has your data security been compromised in any way during this process? 

Of course, if you have a tip top IT service provider (like us!), then this transition will be as straightforward as ABC. If you made the switch to working from home in a rush, then there may be some elements of your data security which have been compromised in the process.

Whatever the case, when people and devices start coming back to your workplace, it’s a great opportunity to update everything, check the strength of passwords, and ensure all data is constantly backed up. 


So, if you need a plan in place ready for when we’re given the go ahead, then we’re on standby and ready to get going. Get in touch and we can look at everything you currently have and how to ensure the move back into office life goes without a hitch. 

Distance makes no difference

Fun fact for you today, did you know over 90% of IT issues can be resolved remotely? Yep, true story! 


Why are we mentioning this? Because, after speaking to some of our wonderful clients recently, we’ve had a few questions about whether location matters for your IT service provider – in the short answer, no! 


Now for the longer explanation… 


Here at AGT, we have not one but THREE North West offices (Lytham St. Annes, Preston and Manchester) so if we need to be onsite, we absolutely can be there, as and when you need us (and we always enjoy getting out to see our clients in person. The art of face to face conversation still lives on, especially post Covid-19 when we’ve all been starved of real life interactions). However, we also have a number of systems in place which enable us to be on hand for you remotely too. 


How soon can we get to you? 


Physically? Providing you’re in the North West, we always aim to be on site with you from one of our 3 locations on the same day! Distance is never an issue or a hassle and with the added perk of seeing an AGT team member in person – it’s a win win situation. 


Virtually? We’re always available. As we’ve mentioned before, our IT services run 365 days a year. 24/7 so if you’re having an IT meltdown, we can remotely access from wherever we are and get things solved, sorted and back on track for you as quick as a flash! 


What systems enable us to do this?


We LOVE our cloud based systems, seriously, we’d remotely marry a cloud based system if we could! This means that all of your data is safely and securely accessible without the need to physically be there in person to get it. Security is always our top priority, and we’ll never let you work on anything which isn’t encrypted and triple padlocked, with an added deadbolt just in case. Checkout some of our systems right here. 


If you’d like a free IT audit to assess whether your current systems are shipshape, secure and accessible then we can help with that. Simply, send us a message on here and we’ll be right back in touch to discuss this with you and set up a meeting. 


If you’re unsure whether cloud based IT services are the right fit for you, then let’s talk. We’ll find out what you want to achieve and how you work currently to find the best IT service for you and your company. 


As straightforward as that! We look forward to seeing you online or in person soon! 


Gone phishing…

Phishing scams, even if you’re not entirely familiar with what they are, you’ll probably know they need to be avoided at all costs. 

Unlike the jolly people who sit beside a lake casting their rods for *googles fish names*… salmon, yes salmon? Phishers are scam artists who send emails under the pretence of being a trusted brand like your bank or Amazon, or someone else you regularly use online. 

These ‘links’ encourage you to click and update your personal info such as your password or bank details, and usually because of some vital emergency, it needs to be done NOW. 

What these links ACTUALLY do is take you through to a fake page (which looks a lot like the real deal unless you’re looking closely), but instead it’s the evil villains ready to pounce and steal your details for their own personal gains – boo, hiss!!

So now’s the time to step up as your own personal superhero and ensure this doesn’t happen to you or your staff. 


How so? 

Ok, we’re going to mention that buzzword again – PASSWORDS! Some people use the same password across multiple sites (even though we drone on a lot about why you shouldn’t), these evil phishing guys access multiple accounts using this same password. Keep them different and ensure they’re changed regularly. 

Keep an eye out for the differences between fake emails and the real thing. Check the email address from which the email has been sent. You’ll usually be able to see the difference between a genuine email address and a phoney one if you look closely. 

For example, a genuine email from Amazon will end in @amazon.co.uk and a fake might end in @emails.amazon.passwordchange.co.uk or something like that.

Double check!

Check who the email has been sent to. Phishing scams tend to send to lots of email addresses at the same time. Or the email addresses are all hidden, including your own. Sometimes, phishing emails are full of spelling mistakes and bad grammar too. That’s a dead giveaway.

If you’re ever even slightly unsure if an email is genuine then DO NOT click the link. We always recommend going directly to the company website and logging in there directly. Any communications from them will be on there too as a backup. 

And as always, we’re on hand to double check and confirm any emails you’re worried about. Your IT providers with a superhero side hustle. Give us a bell here 

7 crucial steps to secure data on staff devices

As we’re all well aware by now, working from home has become the new ‘normal’ for most of us thanks to the ongoing situation, so it’s now even more important than ever before to ensure your company data is completely 100% secure on staff devices whilst they’re working remotely. 


Sadly, cyber criminals are taking advantage of this global panic to do what they do best and we’ve seen an upsurge in attempts to steal data and breach systems, many based around the Coronavirus. 


So what can be done? 


Passwords: Ok, we know we harp on a lot about passwords but we promise we’re saying it for a reason. Yes, your team is working from home and they’re less likely to LOSE their device BUT there may be people in their home with access to it. 


Solution – Strong passwords for all device access plus applications are a must. Also consider implementing multi-factor authentication for your applications (where you get a login code from a separate device). This gives you an added layer of protection.


Access: Out of the millions of people in this world, we like to think we can trust our families the most and we’re definitely not suggesting otherwise. But in cases where a member of staff has, say, a shared laptop, can they be sure that their children won’t click a dodgy link and inadvertently give hackers access to your company’s data? We’d bet not.


Solution – Who has access to your team’s devices? Is it safer and wiser to provide them with a company device instead? With company devices you can also ensure strict instructions that it can ONLY be used by the employee for work purposes. 


Antivirus protected?  If their device doesn’t have antivirus protection already then yes, there is

potential for it to become compromised, BUT the device may already have malware installed. Once that device has access to your confidential data, it could go straight into the hands of the wrong people – not cool. 


Solution – Get on the phone to your IT provider and ask them to remotely check all devices to ensure they’re clean, up-to-date and completely secure. Sorted!


Up to date operating systems: Is there any possibility that your team could be using the now-dead Windows 7 at home? If so, then it could be a big issue here. Since Windows 7 is now

defunct, it’s unsupported so should something go wrong, you’ve nowhere to turn to

retrieve data or resolve a problem.


Solution – Ensure ALL employees are using the most up to date operating systems from home. Make a list of the devices and systems they’re using so if you need IT support they’ll be fully informed, prepared and ready to save the day. 


Take the time to update: Yeah, we get it, application updates are a pain, ESPECIALLY when they take forever and a day. However, they’re vital and you need to ensure all updates are completed as soon as they’re available 


Solution – If applications are updating, make a brew and be patient. They’re worth every single second. Check your employees have the relevant patches installed on their devices. If not, again you’re opening yourself up to cyber criminals, malware and data loss. Give us a call and we’ll get that sorted, STAT. 


What VPN are people using? *Jargon alert!* VPN stands for Virtual Private Network and it’s the safest way for your team to access company data. If you don’t currently use one, then it’s time to consider one as it will allow your team to access the company network from home.


Solution – Assess which VPN is most suitable for your new remote working requirements. Unsure? Phone your awesome IT service provider team (hopefully that’s us) and they can advise you of your best option 


The home working handbook: Have you reviewed your current home working policy handbook since the pandemic began? Now’s a good opportunity to check it fully covers what is expected from the team and what policies and procedures you’ve got in place for a streamlined remote working environment. 


Solution: Check it, update it and redistribute it. Schedule in a catch up with your team members to go through any changes and ensure everyone knows what to do in the event of an IT issue 


Need a hand with any of the above? We’re here and able to remotely access and support you where required – your friendly IT service provided with a *virtual* smile. Give us a bell here 

Working from Home- how to be 100% on it

If working from home is a whole new kettle of fish for you, then it can feel like a mixture of ‘Wow! Look at all this freedom!’ to ‘I miss the structure of the office’. That’s normal, in fact it’s to be expected. BUT, it’s important to ensure you keep your normal working day as structured as possible (although some things can be overlooked such as working in PJs… unless you’re video calling a major client of course). 


So, here are a few ideas to keep you productive and on the ball over the coming months of social distancing and WFH: 


  • Keep your routine, set your alarm, allow time for breakfast and a peruse of Facebook, the daily news etc  
  • Ensure you have a set working space so when you start your day, you ‘go to work’ at your desk  
  • Keep your sofa a work-free zone, believe us when we say that sofa will be your time-off haven over the next few weeks so you’ll appreciate it more when you don’t see it as a workspace  
  • Plan your lunch breaks and stick to them, it can be easy to eat at your desk but a break away from the screen will do you the world of good  
  • Keep in touch with your colleagues, have staff meetings over video conferencing, use instant messaging apps, set up a work whatsapp (just make sure whatever you’re using is encrypted and secure of course).  
  • Finish the day at a set time and leave your work space behind.  
  • Avoid Netflix and other video streaming sites during working hours. That black hole of ‘one more episode’ will come back to bite you, we promise.  
  • Keep up the communication, share your workload and to-do lists, let your colleagues know when tasks are completed, plan regular catch ups and discuss any issues as you would in the office  
  • Plan an epic playlist. No more office politics over musical tastes, this is your time to shine! If you work better with heavy metal, go for it! Musicals more to your taste? Get curating! Secret love of 90’s pop music? No judgements here, turn it on up!  
  • Oh and unless your job is involving social media, log off Facebook, Insta, twitter etc and stick to ‘check-in’ times. Particularly with all the news at the mo, it can be an easy distraction.

Putting all of these in place now means you’ll be able to easily step back into normal working once the Coronavirus threat is a distant memory and office working resumes.
Over the coming weeks, we’ll be available anytime between 6am and 7pm (phone call or video chat) if you need to talk about anything in relation to the strategic placement of your IT services or to come up with any action plan to help with the operation of your business. This applies to our existing clients PLUS any other businesses which need support.  Give us a shout and we’ll get things sorted for you.

Taking your IT remote during Coronavirus

As you can imagine, we’ve been chockablock helping all of our clients move their IT systems to remote access. Workers across the country are now being asked to work from home for the foreseeable future, and we’re working hard to ensure all high levels of IT security and IT privacy remain at 100% for everyone despite their new home working locations. 


So, here are some advice and tips in the meantime to ensure you and your team can work safely and efficiently from home:


Security. In your office you’re fully covered with all anti-virus software, you use a secure VPN and your date is safely stored away. Ensure your team is using approved devices for work purposes only, and be sure to hammer home the impact of not using work devices for gaming, downloading etc. 

  • Check all home devices have anti-virus software 
  • Change WiFi passwords if being used for business purposes 
  • Set up multi-factor authentication


Access. Ensure all data and files are kept in one secure virtual location for ease of access (no one wants to be ringing round trying to figure where that important document got saved two weeks ago right?)

  • Create a list per team and then by team member as to who needs access to what. This will make things a little easier to transition


Equipment. What is needed per team to continue business as usual? 

  • Work laptops
  • Phone systems
  • Any other equipment tailored to your business?
  • Check in with your team to see if their home working environment is sufficent and if there’s anything you need to provide for them. We could be in this situation for a few months at least, so it’s best to address this from the start!


Stop! Communicate, collaborate and listen! (90’s throwback for you there – sorry, not sorry)

  • We get it, as a manager you may be worrying about team productivity levels at home, particularly when it can be easy to pop a wash on, fall into a Netflix black hole etc etc. There are ways to keep up the communication and collaboration between the team like any normal working day. 
  • A few things to consider are project management software, video conferencing, instant messaging, reporting and time management, Office 365 applications such as Teams, Sharepoint, One Note and Planner. 


Putting all of these in place now means you’ll be able to easily step back into normal working once the Coronavirus threat is a distant memory and office working resumes.

Over the coming weeks, we’ll be available anytime between 6am and 7pm (phone call or video chat) if you need to talk about anything in relation to the strategic placement of your IT or to come up with any action plan to help with the operation of your business. This applies to our existing clients PLUS any other businesses which need support.  Give us a shout and we’ll get things sorted for you. 

Avoid the 2020 problem

T’is the season for food, drinks and family time! Christmas is almost upon us but before you go, there’s time to put some things in place to ensure you start 2020 off on the right foot… it’s not only a new year after all, but it’s also a new decade! 


So what’s the problem?
In January, Microsoft is withdrawing support for some of its most popular old business software. This creates a huge problem for organisations everywhere,

because when it inevitably fails, it can’t be fixed. IT experts are calling this The 2020 Problem, and it’s estimated that half of all local businesses will be affected.

When your software goes out of support it won’t stop working straight away, but you will soon start to notice a difference in performance. Microsoft withdrawing support also means there will be no more:

  • Tech support for ongoing issues
  • Bug fixes for new problems 
  • Security fixes for undiscovered vulnerabilities 


What’s the solution?

No fear, there’s still time! Firstly:

Step 1 – Stay calm and assess the situation. What systems are you using? (If it’s any of these then you need to move onto step 2) 

  • Windows 7
  • Office 2010
  • Windows Server 1809
  • Microsoft Project 2010
  • Microsoft SharePoint 2010
  • Microsoft Visio 2010
  • Microsoft Office 2016 for Mac
  • Windows Server 1809
  • Small Business Server 2011
  • Windows Server 2008
  • Exchange 2010

Step 2 – Time to get your systems upgraded. This is where you enlist the help of a trusted IT provider to get things moving quickly and with minimum disruption (Yep, that’s us!)


Step 3 – Keep on top of customer service. By making sure your computer systems are safe and secure, you’re showing your customers that their privacy matters to you. Upgrading your computer system might seem like an expense you hadn’t catered for, but it will help keep your customers happy.


Step 4 – Put the kettle on and stay calm. We’ve got this covered for you. Plus, by upgrading now, you’re saving yourself from a January of stress and unnecessary downtime, and that’s something none of us have got time for right? 

Did you know that 88% of UK businesses are now using cloud computing in some form, and those who resist are getting left behind. Customers and employees expect today’s companies to be forward thinking and flexible. Even better, upgrading isn’t as expensive as you think, and will actually end up saving you money in the long run.

All sorted? Excellent, no drama… now your only problem is the last minute Christmas present shopping (afraid that’s something we can’t help with, but good luck with that!) Don’t forget, we’re easily contactable so give us a bell when you need us.